Concant inventories

Good morning.

The next graphic describe an WorkFlow Job Template, named Main Workflow Template. I want to know if it’s possible to job template executes with attributes from Main workflow Template and from the respective Workflow template 1/2 inventory attributes .

Someone can help me?

Thank you.

Yes, it is possible for the job template in WF 1 and WF 2 to execute with the inventory from main WF.

To make this possible, WF 1, WF 2, and Job template all must prompt for inventory.


Hey Alan.

Yes, but is this option uses the WF 1/2 inventory with main WF too? Uses the two concated?

My main WF inventory as configurations and the WF 1 has the host 1 on inventory and WF 2 has the host 2 on inventory, nothing more.

Thank you Alan, i appreciate your help.

Best Regards,
André Trindade

quinta-feira, 29 de Agosto de 2019 às 14:03:01 UTC+1, Alan Rominger escreveu: