I want to use the collection community.vmware in version 5.2.0 (latest) from Ansible Galaxy
But I got issues with requirements my VM is running debian12, and python3-pyvmomi is version 6.7.1 which is too old.
So I tried to create a python venv, then instlal with pip the latest version of pyvmomi, but when I run the ansible playbook it seems to don’t use my python venv so it is failing.
Any tips on how to properly use the latest version on debian12 ?
If you don’t need the python3-pyvmomi for anything else, maybe just remove it? Then the one installed in your venv should be used. Or you get an error that might help to pin down the issue.
Do you use the ansible package from Debian? I think this one comes with quite an old version of ansible-core (2.14?) which isn’t supported by the collection, anyway. Or did you install ansible / ansible-core in your venv?
If youre using the debian package, maybe it helps to also (or maybe even only) install ansible in your venv:
The latter will install the Ansible Community Package which should contain community.vmware 5.2.0. But it also comes with dozens of other collections that you probably don’t need or want.
Not sure if this helps, but it’s worth a try. Oh, and don’t forget to activate your venv always before you’re using this collection