Comments Don't Show Up in "Extra variables" Box?


We just upgraded from AWX 21.x to the latest 24.6.1 version. We deploy it as containers from the devel branch.

With that out of the way, we use comments in the “Extra variables” box to help users understand how to run the template/playbook and what other variables/options are available to them. We have people using AWX who are not developers, so these comments were a quick way for us to guide them on how to use the templates.

In this new version, the “Extra variables” box seems to not allow any comments in them at all. Is this potentially a bug? Or am I missing something, and I have to enable a setting somewhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi, we can use any comments in the variables fields by default. Could you please share your screenshots?

Yeah sure.

So here is a screenshot of me adding a comment into the Extra variables box

Then after I click save, the comment is gone

Then when I launch the job

There’s nothing there until I toggle between YAML and JSON

But you can see that the comment that I left previously is not there

Thanks, you are using tech preview version of the AWX UI, try using default UI instead.
You can toggle the UI at the Overview page:

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Not sure if this is solved in the upstream, but I want to let you know this seems a bug or unimplemented feature of the new AWX UI :thinking:

Here’s the overview page. Not seeing an option to toggle the UI

Ah sorry I missed this:

I don’t know if there is an option to revert to the legacy UI, but if there isn’t, use a tagged version instead of the devel branch. The devel branch is under development and is not actual 24.6.1. If you use the old UI, the comments will be visible.

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Ahhhh okay. Let me try the 24.6.1 tagged branch

What would be the cleanest way to switch branches? I don’t want to have to re-import everything from backup jsons like before. Do I just need to run the make docker-compose command after I switch branches?

So what I ended up doing was:

  1. Switch to the tagged branch
  2. Run make docker-compose
  3. Attempt to recreate the UI using docker exec tools_awx_1 make clean-ui ui-devel

But I’m hitting an error in step 3 saying that: Attempted import error: ‘useRouteMatch’ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom’ (imported as ‘useRouteMatch’).

Googling this, it looks to be a react-router-dom v6 issue. I don’t know the first thing about how this is built… can I get help here please?

Thank you

Hmm, I don’t have any experience building images for Docker-based deployments. :frowning:
All the experience I have is with images for Kubernetes-based deployments.

Ahh man, okay. No worries!

I think, in doing research on it… It looks like a react package version issue (this react-router-dom). The syntax it’s complaining about is in respect to v6 but I see inside the container and in the package.json that we are installing v5.3.3 so something weird is happening

So I was able to fix my react issue by deleting a node_modules folder inside of the ui/src/ directory. This folder included the react-router-dom package pinned to version 6.

Anyways, I have it on 24…6.2 containerized build now but still seeing quite a bit of UI issues although my initial issue seems to kind of be resolved.

I can’t edit any templates. They all show an error

I can’t create a new ‘Credentials’. That also fails

Everything else I think I can edit? I think I might roll back to a previous version to see if these bugs still exist there

Okay, so I did a bunch of digging… When I switched from the devel branch to the tags/24.6.1, the crazy thing is that the inner ui/src folder did NOT switch branches. It looked to be stuck in its own repo actually and that’s why it had its own node_modules folder that was totally different from the node_modules that the ui/ had!! Crazy stuff!!

And to fix the UI issues mentioned just above, I destroyed my docker volume and started fresh. That seems to fix that up!