I have a task like this:
- name: Run migrations
sudo: yes
sudo_user: postgres
command: “goose -env foo up”
chdir: “{{ migrations_dir }}”
when I updated to the head of ansible/devel (1d04e4b3d27b0ae16619eda4136a939fe6f3299c) it returns an error (from the executed command, not ansible), as if the working dir is being ignored. If I change it to this:
- name: Run migrations
sudo: yes
sudo_user: postgres
command: goose -env foo up chdir=“{{ migrations_dir }}”
it works as expected. Is the first version still valid syntax?
Core modules is at: 8614ef8d6f90a2d292721d0f6fab328aa16d7589, and Extras is at: a0df36c6ab257281cbaae00b8a4590200802f571.