Hello everyone
I just wanted to keep you updated on my CloudStack Ansible integration work.
New schema name for CloudStack modules
First of all thank you @bcoca for the merge of the first 3 modules!
I get some positive feedback and as well as some improvements. According to the feedback the names of the modules are not intuitive enough. That is why I changed the name schema to be more meaningful and closer to the API name.
I made a PR https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/389 to address this. (P.S. I will make a PR for the modules names in changelog as well after the merge.). I updated the current outstanding PRs to the new schema as well:
- https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/375
- https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/374
- https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/361
It would be great if this could be merged asap.
Apache Foundation is watching
CloudStack is an Apache Project and my work on integration CloudStack support into Ansible has resulted in becoming an official Apache CloudStack Committer (id:resmo). For Ansible this means I will continue to support and integrate CloudStack modules with help and support of Apache and the Apache community and the Ansible Comminity will have a direct contact in person of me.
CloudStack Integration tests
I plan to provide integration tests in the similar manner other integration tests (Rackspace, gce) has been done. I do not see how the tests are used by Ansible Inc. Are the tests executed by Rackspace and results will be given back to Ansible Inc. e.g. Automated CI builds?
I plan to make run the on a CI environment running against several public clouds as well as in our integration environment using different hypervisors (vmware, kvm) having different configuration setups (basic networking, advanced networking). I would run the tests on every new git tag of CloudStack as well as new git tags of Ansible.
I loved to see the new RCs tags procedure https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tags which make my testing work so much easier in the future. Well done!
Meetup at Ansible Geneva
Giving a presentation of the CloudStack integration at http://www.meetup.com/Ansible-Geneva/ . Join us.
Yours René