Cisco ACL in Ansible

**Hi all I am trying to create new ACL on 1000 cisco routers and Ansible version is

- my code!
- name: Create ACL
  hosts: routers  
  gather_facts: false
  connection: local

      username: "{{ hdn_user_rw }}"
      password: "{{ hdn_pass_rw }}"
     - name: Push config     
        provider: "{{ cli }}"
        authorize: yes     
          - permit        
        Parents: ip access-list standard TEST 
        before: no ip access-list standard TEST
        match: none
I am getting the errors below...

Unsupported parameters for (ios_config) module: Parents Supported parameters include: after,auth_pass,authorize,backup,before,defaults,diff_against,diff_ignore_lines,force,host,intended_config,lines,match,multiline_delimiter,parents,password,port,provider,replace,running_config,save,save_when,src,ssh_keyfile,timeout,username
        to retry, use: --limit @/opt/ansible/dev/Dheeraj/Splunk3.retry

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
WAGGJLC-NRT001             : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1   

No sure what wrong am I doing, its showing me unsupported parameters
again and again, thanks for you help

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Unsupported parameters for (ios_config) module: Parents

Not sure if module parameters are case sensitive, but this one is not recognized. Try setting it in lowercase, see if it works.

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@ptn it worked, it was a capital letter causing issues.
do you know by any chance if I could update an ACL without touching the existing enteries, expected end result is only new lines should be added ( A Merge)

@ptn it worked, it was a capital letter causing issues.

Glad it works !

do you know by any chance if I could update an ACL without touching the existing enteries, expected end result is only new lines should be added ( A Merge)

I don’t think that’s possible with this module, sadly. lines parameter states that:

The commands must be the exact same commands as found in the device running-config to ensure idempotency and correct diff.

What I understand is that either you know an inherently idempotent command you could run on your device, or let this task reissue the commands on each run. I might be wrong.

Anyways, what about this module instead ? though be mindful:

Module behavior is not idempotent when sequence for aces are not mentioned

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