Check Number Of Wheel Group Members

I’m trying to add a task to my security playbook to ensure that there are no members in the default Linux wheel group. This has turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be.

Can someone out there help get me started? (ansible 2.7.9)

You can use the getent module to do this. Something like:

  • getent:
    database: group

  • assert:

  • getent_group.wheel|default([“”, “”, “”])[2] == “”

Thank you for your reply. I am getting what appears to be a formatting error. Here is the task from my playbook, and the error it is generating:

Your formatting doesn’t match mine. Notice the difference of that between mine and yours. that is ententes to be a list

You'll need () around the getent and default:

that: (getent_group.wheel|default(["", "", ""]))[2] == ""

The above should work.


That got it ! Thank you for your help.