Dear List,
We are trying this:
- hosts: $omgeving
sudo: true
- ~/playbooks/vars/global.yml
- [ “$vars/${ansible_distribution}.yml”, “$vars/defaults.yml” ]
include: $basedir/europort/ep_stop_start/tasks/ep_stop.yml
when: $running == False or $running == None
include: $basedir/europort/ep_stop_start/tasks/ep_patch_aix.yml
when: “aix” in $ansible_hostname
include: $basedir/europort/ep_stop_start/tasks/ep_patch_eib.yml
when: “eib” in $ansible_hostname
include: $basedir/europort/ep_stop_start/tasks/finttpci_start.yml
when: $running == True or $running == None
But none of this is working… Am I going about this the wrong way, or have I simply got the syntax wrong?
Especially the “when: “eib” in $ansible_hostname” bit is troubling. Does the “when:” statement actually support the “in” test with a variable?
First thing is to inspect nice examples here
So, no $ for variables and “is defined” instead of “None” I guess in your case
Ok, so it’s usually best to do what the documentation does and try to be consistent. You’re mixing a bit of 1.1-isms and 1.2-isms. Not understanding what “doesn’t work” means, I’ll err on the side of too much information 
If you are using “when” you should first make sure you are on 1.2, as when is a 1.2 feature.
It will raise an error and “not work” when you are using less than 1.2
If on 1.2, it’s best to be consistent.
Don’t use $foo in when expressions, as the whole point of 1.2 is to eliminate the need for the legacy ${perl_like} syntaxes
With when, all you have to do is say:
when: foo == 2
And so on.
If you put $foo in a when statement, it’s going to evaluate that variable to a string and lose it’s type information. You definitely don’t want that in the case where you are passing in a list or integer something.
If you want to use in, you are probably starting your YAML expression with a string and have to quote the whole line to keep YAML happy:
when: ‘“asdf” in bar’
To avoid weird quoting from having to start the line, this is often just as nice:
when: bar.find(“asdf”) != -1
Hope that helps!
Hi Michael,
Yeah, you are right, it was a baaaaaad weekend, and it impaired my reasoning and questioning skills.
Anyhow, your exemplary reply basicly cleared away the fog now 