Change module.backup_local behaviour


Still discovering Ansible, … and Python by the way, well…

I’m rewriting the lineinfile module to match my enterprise’s needs, and I have an issue with the backup function.

We want to backup file, with our standard time-stamp, aka %file%.YYYYMMDD

I found the original module.backup_local function in ./lib/ansible/, which use only one time-stamp format:

ext = time.strftime(“%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M~”, time.localtime(time.time()))

I try the replace the call to this function by my own function… need to figure how to do it, learning Python…

1/ Is there already something plan to customize the backup time-stamp ?

2/ Is it possible to add a overcharged backup_local function, allowing to specify the time-stamp ?

def backup_local(self, fn, tsf):
‘’‘make a date-marked backup of the specified file, return True or False on success or failure’‘’

backups named basename-YYYY-MM-DD@HH:MM~

ext = time.strftime(tsf, time.localtime(time.time()))
backupdest = ‘%s.%s’ % (fn, ext)
shutil.copy2(fn, backupdest)
except shutil.Error, e:
self.fail_json(msg=‘Could not make backup of %s to %s: %s’ % (fn, backupdest, e))
return backupdest


There is no plan to make the backup timestamp configurable.

I imagine at some point there will be support for a server-side automatic backup for file/copy operations, this is obviously just a local copy.