change in service module 1.1 -> 1.2 for Solaris 10

Something changed in the service module, when run on Solaris (v10):

with ansible 1.1, OK:

{“changed”: true, “item”: “”, “name”: “svc:/application/tomcat-6035-01:default”, “state”: “started”}

with ansible 1.2, error:

{“failed”: true, “item”: “”}
msg: svcs: Pattern ‘svc:/application/tomcat-6.0.35-01:default’ doesn’t match any instances

The relevant task is noted as:

service name=‘svc:/application/tomcat-${tomcat_version}:default’ pattern=‘/usr/jdk/latest/bin/java -Dnop -server’ state=stopped

where tomcat_version = 6.0.35-01

Not sure if this is a bug or me using a corner case.


No idea.

I would recommend debugging the module locally with the “./hacking/test-module” script to find out what is up.