I wanted something like sfromm's ansible-report system but for a
variety of reasons I was concerned about the single sqlite db.
So I started hacking up a solution for lots of simultaneous runs of
ansible and capturing logs of the whole thing.
this is a callback plugin:
and this is a viewer for those logs:
If you put the callback_plugin in a path for callback plugins specified
in your /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg then it will also capture data on
tasks run via ansible - not just ansible-playbook.
This is an example of the output from running
logview -d yesterday -p mirrorlist
20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:54:04 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:54:06 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:55:31 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:54:05 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
I thought I'd post it here in case it is helpful to anyone.
So I started hacking up a solution for lots of simultaneous runs of
ansible and capturing logs of the whole thing.
that's lovely! I'd like to propose the following patch, which avoids a
traceback when the process doesn't have a controlling tty (happens here,
dunno why).
logdetail.patch (1.65 KB)
You are absolutely correct. Thank you for that. I had not tested it
outside of a controlling TTY.
I found one bug - if I sudo -i to root - geteuid() doesn't return who I
_was_ - only 'root' which is unfortunate - I'll have to see if I can
get a best possible situation which uses getlogin() if possible
What's the exception if you don't have a controlling tty with
os.getlogin() - I can just catch it and use geteuid()
I found one bug - if I sudo -i to root - geteuid() doesn't return who I
_was_ - only 'root' which is unfortunate - I'll have to see if I can
get a best possible situation which uses getlogin() if possible
os.getenv('HOME', os.getenv('LOGNAME', 'unknown'))
(Sorry, I'm away from $cust at the moment: can't check on the exception
I got.)
BTW, if folks are interested in some really nice views into logging, I’d recommend signing up for the AWX webinar here:
This is coming out August 8th, hopefully about a week after the AWX release. You’ll be able to try it out free for a small number of nodes.
Slight correction, webinar is August 8th – logging is out as part of the release
Am I terrible with words today or what
“out” means “is part of the release”
I ended up doing
def getlogin():
user = os.getlogin()
except OSError, e:
user = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]
return user
which seems to step around it just fine
I wanted something like sfromm's ansible-report system but for a
variety of reasons I was concerned about the single sqlite db.
One comment on the above. I plan to devote some time in the coming weeks
to work on the concurrency problem when using a sqlite database. One can
still choose to use another database that doesn't have the limitations of
sqlite -- whatever sqlalchemy supports should work with ansible-report. Of
course, that does introduce dependencies that sqlite doesn't have.
So I started hacking up a solution for lots of simultaneous runs of
ansible and capturing logs of the whole thing.
this is a callback plugin:
and this is a viewer for those logs:
If you put the callback_plugin in a path for callback plugins specified
in your /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg then it will also capture data on
tasks run via ansible - not just ansible-playbook.
This is an example of the output from running
logview -d yesterday -p mirrorlist
20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:54:04 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:54:06 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:55:31 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:54:05 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
I thought I'd post it here in case it is helpful to anyone.
Looking at logdetail.py, how does it handle the case where you have a
playbook with the same name, but in different paths?
I like the minimal dependencies of this approach and that it is easy to
prune with something like logrotate.
What's the exception if you don't have a controlling tty with
os.getlogin() - I can just catch it and use geteuid()
The exception is
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I remember now, that the message stumped me. But you've fixed it all,
so ignore.
One comment on the above. I plan to devote some time in the coming
weeks to work on the concurrency problem when using a sqlite
database. One can still choose to use another database that doesn't
have the limitations of sqlite -- whatever sqlalchemy supports should
work with ansible-report. Of course, that does introduce
dependencies that sqlite doesn't have.
> logview -d yesterday -p mirrorlist
> mirrorlist
> 20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:54:04 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
> 20.50.54 host1 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
> 20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:54:06 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
> 20.50.54 host2 Jul 03 2013 20:55:31 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
> 20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:54:05 54 CHANGED /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg
> 20.50.54 host3 Jul 03 2013 20:55:29 75 CHANGED restart nrpe
> I thought I'd post it here in case it is helpful to anyone.
Looking at logdetail.py, how does it handle the case where you have a
playbook with the same name, but in different paths?
It doesn't. I realized that when I wrote it and just kinda said "meh".
If anyone would like to fix it I'm happy to accept it - but in our
usecase the likelihood of having such a situation is extremely low.
I like the minimal dependencies of this approach and that it is easy
to prune with something like logrotate.
I like that your sqlite db is a million times easier to search
idk, i find grep and awk much easier to use than sql when looking at events.