Having a problem referencing the azcollection modules after install.
- RedHat 9.2 VMs, Ansible AAP 2.5 on separate controller and gateway, Ansible 2.18(pip3.11)
- EE: ansible-automation-platform-24/ee-supported-rhel9:latest (Shows ansible 2.15 version when running playbook verbose) also: stuck on 24 version per support ticket as 25 has bug with kerberos needed for our windows vms…
- Following microsoft guide for ansible azure resource creation, created sp and exported 4 required system variables
- Installed azure.azcollection using ansible-galaxy and using default supported ee from redhat.
When running test from console using Ansible 2.18 w/ azcollection/requirements.txt pip-r’d:
- command: ansible localhost -m azure_rm_resourcegroup -a “name=test location=uswest2” -vvv
- error: Failed to import the required Python library (ansible[azure] (azure >= 2.0.0)) on hostname’s Python /var/lib/awx/venv/awx/bin/python
- I’ve verified the pip/pip3/pip3.11 install ansible[azure] shows requirements already satisfied for all packages, no errors.
When running from a playbook on AAP it uses Ansible 2.15 (assuming from within ee) and I get the error: ERROR! couldn’t resolve module/action ‘azure.azcollection.azure_rm_resourcegroup’
What I’m trying to understand is:
- Why does the command line ansible say i don’t have ansible[azure] installed when I can’t find any way it’s not installed?
- Do I need to create a custom EE with ansible/other/azure.azcollection or should the default supported ee with ansible 2.15 have what’s needed and the ansible-galaxy method should work for the azcollection parts? Despite azcollection requiring ansible 2.16… (which is why the console version is pip’d to 2.18)
- How do the 4 variables exported as part of the azure SP setup get used by the test/playbook? I can see how the command line test might see the vars but not sure how the ee triggered version in aap would see them?
Am I missing a piece somewhere? I’m fairly new to ansible/aap but not system management and this is driving me nuts.