Can't get returned IPs from EC2

So, I’m super stuck on this problem. I created a pastie of all the info.

What am I doing wrong in the playbook that I can’t get those IPs into my hosts file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

add_host is for adding a host to current run’s in-memory inventory, not the one on disk. It’s used to provision a newly-created VMs. You want to either use dynamic inventory and pull data from EC2, or somehow add the host to static inventory (with lineinfile maybe?)

Okay, I understand that it only adds to the in-memory inventory, but that’s not really the problem I’m having.

The problem I’m having is I can’t get the IP. What I plan to do with the IP after I get it involves provisioning those hosts. I can’t provision those hosts unless I get the IP from the current run which creates the host.

The step where I should be able to get the IP to add it to a group (in memory or otherwise) is failing.


TASK: [Add new instance to host group] ****************************************
fatal: [localhost →] => One or more undefined variables: ‘str object’ has no attribute ‘tagged_instances’

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

Sorry, I only skimmed that paste and missed the actual problem. For the record: it’s easier if you paste examples in your mail, and it’s better for archiving too :slight_smile: is “run this task for all of ec2.results”, but what you wrote is “run this task for all of [‘ec2.results’]” (that’s why it’s complaining about a string). You want:

That was exactly my issue. Thank you very much for your help!