I’m going to first make the same recommendation that @kurokobo did.
Deploying from the operator will help you see how the configuration should look in k8s to begin with.
Then you can scale down the operator, and modify the config file manually and roll the pods to pick up changes.
You’ll need to set:
GALAXY_API_PATH_PREFIX = '/galaxy-ng/api/galaxy'
CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX = '/galaxy-ng/api/galaxy/pulp/api/v3/artifacts/collections/'
API_ROOT = '/galaxy-ng/api/galaxy/pulp/'
STATIC_ROOT = '/galaxy-ng/app/galaxy_ng/app/static/'
The above is not an exhaustive list, but the point is you will need to set every URI path related setting to account for the fact you’re placing everything under http://<ip_address>/galaxy-ng
You may also need to account for things like:
among other things
That being said, I haven’t seen a /ui/
specific path setting, so I’m not sure that the UI itself even supports relative paths.