Can not install module community.window

Hi everyone,
I have a question that i can’t install collection community.window Ansible Galaxy
I build awx-operator on k3s
when i tried to install via playbook it’s always skipped cause ansible.window already installed even these are difference collections

Is there anybody faced this?

Neither community.window nor ansible.window exists.

thanks for attention @jpmens , but i dont know what you mean,
Last time i used ansible core i cant install community.window collection (with an s)

You need to use --force to update a collection that’s already installed.

@gundalow Sorry i miss “s” in this topic, but in playbook i already write correct, also tried using --force

Your screenshot shows that was successfully installed, but got skipped (since it was already installed).

Why do you think that was not installed / skipped?

I can’t call module win_initialize_disk
btw when i check by running ansible-galaxy collection list, I didn’t see it.