Can conditional "OR" operator be syntactically indented similar to the "AND" operator?

Hello -

Can the conditional “OR” operator be syntactically indented similar to the “AND” operator?

“AND” can be written in either of these ways:

when: django_migration_result|changed and ('Applying auth.0001_initial... OK' in django_migration_result.stdout)


- django_migration_result | changed

  • ‘Applying auth.0001_initial… OK’ in django_migration_result.stdout

“OR” can be written as:

failed_when: expect_output.stdout | search(“(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+”) or expect_output.stdout | search(“Usage”)

but I can’t get the below attempt to work.


  • expect_output.stdout | search(“(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+”) or
  • expect_output.stdout | search(“Usage”)


Not that way but you can use YAML multiline

failed_when: >
expect_output.stdout | search(“(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+”) or
expect_output.stdout | search(“Usage”)

Thanks Brian! That YAML multiline notation worked out wonderfully for this. Thanks for educating me!