i have requirement where awx should be deployed on ecs instead of eks.
What kind of assistance are you looking for ? Is there a specific issue you’re dealing with ?
Assuming you don’t know where to start, I suggest you look around for provisioning tool(s) you or your company are already using like Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker Compose, templates from your CI tool, Ansible, …, and see if it fits your needs.
Here is the AWX documentation’s relevant page for deployment on Docker, which seems to use Ansible to this end; you could manually generate a compose file from the template and use it with any tool you’d like.
Thank you for your response.
i already have a environment where i have deployed awx on eks cluster but due to some other activity, i want the awx to be deployed on ecs instead of eks .
How i can proceed with that?
i already have a environment where i have deployed awx on eks cluster but due to some other activity, i want the awx to be deployed on ecs instead of eks .
Then you probably have a tool of predilection you can use to deploy on Docker as well. It’s not different than deploying any other app on Docker: Create network → Create volumes → Create & start containers, though you’d have to read documentation to figure what parameters to use (envvars, mounts, specific command maybe, …).
Usually there’s a compose file lying around you just have to tweak to your needs; in this case and if you follow instructions from documentation (linked in my previous message), there is a makefile that’ll build and deploy config for you. I didn’t tried out so I can’t vet for it.
What I’d do is gather bits of information and configuration I need to deploy those resources, then build a config tailored to the tool I’d use to do so. I personally like to deploy Docker resources with Ansible (community.docker collection), though you’d rather like to use the same tool you usually use to deploy Docker apps instead, or the one you deployed your ECS cluster with.
Simplest way IMO, appart from following documentation instructions would be to write a compose file from linked templates and vars, starting by building a complete one from makefile (there is a target for that), then manually adapt.
You could also search for existing resources on Internet, as I’m pretty sure someone already has deployed AWX on an ECS cluster with say Terraform, Cloudformation or Docker Compose.
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