I looking to see if it is possible to call a inventory file that is built during the playbook? The role Set mailbox server to inventory file builds a new inventory file and I want to use that in Mailbox Statistics Collection role. It works and creates the inventory file but does not seem to work, which I have tried both:
ansible-playbook Mailbox_Count.yml -e site_vars=“Creds” --ask-vault-password -v
ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/playbooks//sites/Mailbox_Count_Dynamic Mailbox_Count.yml -e site_vars=“Creds” --ask-vault-password -v
is this even possible? Or do I need a first playbook to create the inventory file and the follow-up to grab the mailbox count, so breaking up the below into 2.
name: Get messaging enviroment
hosts: localhost
run_once: true
roles: -
vars_files: -
/etc/ansible/vars/{{ site_vars }}.yml
ansible_become_user: root
gather_facts: false -
name: Get the current mailbox server for the environment
hosts: XU_Server
become: yes
become_method: runas
roles: -
vars_files: -
/etc/ansible/vars/{{ site_vars }}.yml
ansible_become_user: “{{ Admin_Acct }}”
ansible_become_pass: “{{ Admin_Pass }}”
gather_facts: false -
name: Set mailbox server to inventory file
hosts: localhost
run_once: true
roles: -
vars_files: -
/etc/ansible/vars/{{ site_vars }}.yml
ansible_become_user: root
gather_facts: false -
name: Mailbox Statistics Collection
hosts: MailboxServers
become: yes
become_method: runas
roles: -
vars_files: -
/etc/ansible/vars/{{ site_vars }}.yml
ansible_become_user: “{{ Admin_Acct }}”
ansible_become_pass: “{{ Admin_Pass }}”
gather_facts: false