bug:Service is in unknown state


I have installed ansible awx using kubernates/minikube version 1.1.3.
i have created 1 docker ubuntu container and i am trying to install nginx and start ngnix inside that ubuntu container and localhost.
while running playbook , everything is working except it is not able to start nginx inside container.
I am getting error service is in unknown start .
I am attcahing output of this playbook with this mail.
some info : is my localhost while is my container

How to debug that?

my playbook :

  • name: Hello World Sample

hosts: all

become: true

connection: ssh


  • name: Hello Message


msg: “Hello World!”

  • name: ensure nginx is at the latest version

apt: name=nginx state=latest

  • name: start nginx


name: nginx


Hello, your question seems to be about using Ansible, not about AWX. https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-project is the best place to visit for user questions about Ansible. Thanks!

AWX Team