Bug in github_hooks?

Thought I would post this here before raising an issue on GitHub:

This line in a role produced the error below:

github_hooks: action=create hookurl=http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:88 user={{ github_user }} oauthkey={{ github_oauth }} repo=https://github.com/{{ yii_admin_repo }}

The role was being executed with a sudo_user: value. All variables were checked using debug statements to make sure they had valid values.

fatal: [] => failed to parse: SUDO-SUCCESS-astpyzjqbrfryzxrhuotxhrfdzgldycj
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/tmp/ansible-tmp-1394648274.06-177805719541157/github_hooks”, line 1241, in
File “/tmp/ansible-tmp-1394648274.06-177805719541157/github_hooks”, line 161, in main
(rc, out) = create(hookurl, oauthkey, repo, user)
TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

Yeah, that’s not good :slight_smile:

Can you file a bug at github.com/ansible/ansible?

We’re not using this one ourselves, so if you’d like to take a crack at fixing it, that would also be welcome and probably expedite things a bit more!