Boot signal from a remote Pi

Hi there!

I would like to know the best way to perform this:

I will be using the Vault (from Hashicorp) to store API keys for my app, so I will be storing the Vault Token in my Raspberry Pi, inside a tmpfs mount, so every time the Raspberry Pi halts, the API token must be renewed somehow.

I would like to know how to make this Pi send a signal to Ansible whenever it boots up, in order for Ansible to run a Playbook. This Playbook will assign another Vault Token to this recently-booted up Pi.

I don’t want Ansible to be checking every minute to the Pi. It’s not efficient, and I don’t want to be messing around.

Thank you very much!


One way of doing it would be to use ansible in ‘pull’ mode in one of the boot scripts (like rc.local).

kind regards