best practice for linking/attachment of cloud resources

Hi, I’m working on a collection for a cloud infrastructure provider. I’m now thinking about how to implement assigning a “floating” IP address to a server.

I have a module for the server, and will probably have a module for the floating_ip. I can add a field to the server (“assigned_ips”) and pass the ID of the floating IP to it on creation and update. The construction is straightforward, but the deletion is unclear - what should happen when the assigned IP is deleted? There may be side effects to unlinking, and I foresee other issues that will become apparent later in development.

Is there a best practice for this in Ansible? I’ve looked at and but haven’t really found a good use case of such linking. It almost seemed as if the authors were avoiding such functionality in the collections. I would appreciate it if someone can come up with an example module in a collection.

In Terraform, there’s clear best practice for this: there’s a special “module” ending with _attachment (for example [0]) that manages the lifecycle of the association, in this case between device and an ip address.

Thanks for reading my question.

Best Regards,
Tomas Karasek
