Become directives vs connection variables

I’m trying to understand privilege escalation, but have a hard time comparing these two concepts.

If I specify become: yes, does that mean that privilege escalation works now? What about if I specify ansible_become: yes? Do I have to have them both? or one?

Additionally, why does directives not have a password field, but the connection variables have ansible_become_pass?

I would appreciate help especially for using become on windows targets.

The directives are 'general' they work for all hosts so 'become' turns
it on for all hosts that don't specify otherwise.

The variables are 'specific' normally assigned to hosts that deviate
from the norm, so `ansible_become` is a variable and will override the
keyword for the host(s) that has this variable set.

You can also use configuration file, environment variables and CLI
optoins, but they all have less precedence than the keywords and