azcollection.azure_rm_keyvault with RBAC

Hello Team,

I want to create Azure keyvault using azcollection.azure_rm_keyvault module and in this case I would like to enable the Azure role-based access control in permission module.
By default is taking Vault access policy.

Can anyone help me to achieve this ?

Permission model

  • Vault access policy

  • Azure role-based access control


Same can be achieve with az command line but i need in ansible

az keyvault create --location eastus2 --name “adfaljdfk44” --resource-group dev-sanbox-Keyvaults-eus --enable-rbac-authorization true


Without access polices i am getting below error.

failed: [localhost → localhost] (item=dev) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: “dev”, “msg”: “Error creating the Key Vault instance: Azure Error: BadRequest\nMessage: The parameter accessPolicies is not specified.”}