AWX Web server Engine Details?

Hi Team,

Iam new to Ansible AWX and would like to know about what is the Web Server engine being used by AWX when we install it via docker compose ? Is it Nginx and if yes could you please provde some details how we check on it w.r.t configuration files etc . port being used ?


Nginx, just go inside the container and read the config

Hi Ankit

Thanks for response . could you please provide some insight on how to view the configuration for nginx on AWX server ?

Which container I need to enter is it awx_task or awx_web and which path ?

GAURAV Pande ( said:

Thanks for response . could you please provide some insight on how to view
the configuration for nginx on AWX server ?

Which container I need to enter is it awx_task or awx_web and which path ?

It's the same image, so it doesn't really matter - it's in the standard

I would note given this and your other question - are you trying to split
apart what's in the containers and do something with it?

That's not something we really support upstream - if you want a cluster of
AWX, deploy it in kubernetes or OpenShift.


Hi Bill , All

Thanks , for response , iam not trying to split containers or do anything out of the box Just need below details :-

  1. I just need the file system path for Nginx inside container(awx_task/awx_web)
  2. what is the configuration filename nginx uses
  3. Port nginx uses .

I have done AWX installation via Docker Compose ? Need this for documentation purpose.

It’s in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in the awx container AWX. The ports vary in the container and on the host machine. You can get the mapping of ports from container to host using docker ps command under ports column.

Hi Ankit,All

Thanks for reply i have below containers . Could you let me know the container name where i can see this nginx.conf file ? Is it awx_task container or awx_web container ?

sudo docker ps
184c0535ced4 ansible/awx:12.0.0 “tini – /usr/bin/la…” 9 days ago Up 9 days 8052/tcp awx_task
437cca2a49db ansible/awx:12.0.0 “tini – /bin/sh -c …” 9 days ago Up 9 days>8052/tcp awx_web
e229415801ec postgres:10 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 9 days ago Up 9 days 5432/tcp awx_postgres
aab3c9938962 redis “docker-entrypoint.s…” 9 days ago Up 9 days 6379/tcp awx_redis

awx_web is where nginx is located.