After pulling Gallaxy content the synchronize built just stops and hangs at the login to the remote host. Worked perfectly previously, I have blown away AWx and reinstalled it completely and still the same results.
Using synchronize with delegated host to copy files from repos.
Processes don't even show up on the remote node...strangely.
Yes they run fine using ansible-playbook, I think this is related to an issue that others had with issues after upgrading to latest image. This was working fine until I installed a watch agent from Galaxy.
After making some changes I see the "you must install sshpass..." error.
Rolling back didn’t work same issue. Syncronize jobs hang, these appear in the process list as ssh processes, AWX just running but not completing. Checking to see if docker vbridge could be blocking.
Something has definitely change to cause this to stop working. The difference between running from AWX is substantial as oppose to ansible-playbook. BTW the same play runs fine with ansible-playbook. All playbooks work fine that are not using synchronize that I can tell or that I have tested in AWX. All work when running from the CLI
Also, running the playbook is a connection from control host to target machine. The git sync is a connection between the control host and the git repo host.
At one point I thought maybe this is a system issue with SSH but since the CLI playbook runs fine. I have changed my thinking on that. I can see the system processes spin up by listing the processes. The last playbook process in the chain just sits and spins forever.