I’m a great fan of Ansible’s Local Facts which may stem from the fact that Seth and I had a few beers over the idea just before he wrote the code back in 2013. Yeah, that dates me.
Anyhow, I’m trying to create an AWX smart inventory based off such facts, and have the following data in the fact cache of one of a host:
Thank you, @kurokobo. As usual, just after typing in the question I realized: “beginner error”. I was querying the API in a Web browser which was logged into AWX as a different user as the user whom the inventory belongs to!
I do see the values in the Facts cache (tab for the host), and it works.
While it might be off-topic, it’s a big help to me; I’ve always wondered why on earth the double underscore was used instead of simply using the period as separator we’ve all been used to.
Your mention of split("__") makes it a bit more logical.