
We are new users of AWX and trying to explore its functionality. We want to run the same job with different user inputs parameters parallelly. Is it possible?

We read about Job slicing but not able to figure out how to provide inputs to different job slices.

Could anyone help us with this? Thanks in advance.



The job slicing features is to allow you to scale horizontally. For your use case, you want to use Workflows w/ a shallow tree & lots of leaves. A single job-template can then be ran in parallel (enable concurrent job on the JT)

Hi Christopher

Is it possible to run concurrent job with different input parameters? If possible, Could you share an example ?

Yes, create a workflow, add a job template. For each job template that you add in the workflow you can define custom extra vars specific to that instance of the job template that will be launched.

Will do, thanks!

Hi Christopher,

We want to configure multiple servers parallelly with different parameters.

I created inventory with extra variables as follows, Currently, it contains three server details, but it will vary depending on the requirement.

We want to spawn the same job for each server(no of servers varies dynamically) in the inventory file parallelly. Is there any way to do that?

Tried some workaround:

We tried “async” and “poll” options in the ansible, which is allowing to run the job parallelly on different servers.

But when we club two jobs to a workflow, we are facing some constraints. If one server failed in the first job, all the servers are getting blocked for the second job. But we want the success servers to continue with the second job in the workflow.

Could you please help us how to proceed further?

