awx_postgres fails to restart

Hi All,
I am a novice to this AWX and trying to learn on my own. I have installed AWX 17.0.1 on the Ubuntu server. All docker containers w.r.t AWX were up and running without any issues. But suddenly we noticed the awx_postgres db container alone showing status as ‘Restarting’.

When i try to restart the awx_postgres db container manually, i get this error message

docker restart awx_postgres

Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container awx_postgres: mkdir /var/lib/docker/overlay2/fd307a949ef5d8d7d901838b52c4d58656cfb006deec627c7b172d25c3c415eb/merged: no space left on device

I see the whole of /var dir itself full and no space left over. Are there any chances if we clean up the overlay folders contents, will that help us to get a good amount of space or any other approach to overcome this issue. Please advise.