AWX postgres-13 failed to create POD no such file or directory

Hi all,

I have been trying now for almost a week to deploy a AWX with AWXOperator 26-29 version and latest stable AWX app on a Rancher v2.6 3NODE kubernetes cluster with NFS storage.

I kept hitting the same error - at the point when postgres-13 POD needs to be created I get an ERROR message that
message: ‘Error: stat /data/postgres-13: no such file or directory’

Since I am relatively new to kubernetes and awx, I went with simplified setup using single node cluster and hostPath storage type, so here is my configuration setup:
AWX Operator: v 0.29.0
AWX app : latest


Screenshot 2022-09-21 at 15.34.16.png
Screenshot 2022-09-21 at 15.34.54.png

Screenshot 2022-09-21 at 15.34.35.png

seems like the answer i gave isnt showing so ill try again.

create this first so you can sett password for the postgresdb
host used to be awx-postgres but is not awx-postgres-13
if not supplying it might fail. (at least it did for me )

I will give it a try and let you know