AWX operator installation on Openshift

AWX actually doesn’t natively support running on Openshift out of the box. OpenShift runs pods as random UID’s, but the AWX container is expecting UID 1000. So you will need to build your own AWX image for OpenShift to use by using the same Dockerfile but with the USER 1000 line commented out. You will run into various permissions issues until you take care of this.

As for your certificate error, it’s hard to troubleshoot that without any idea of what your yaml looks like; It would be helpful if you could post the AWX resource yaml you gave the operator for deploying AWX.

My guess is you didn’t specify any Ingress settings, and, AWX isn’t opinionated on your Ingress settings. So if you went with all default settings, you might fix this by specifying the Ingress Type as “Route” and Route TLS Termination Mechanism as “Edge”.

Snippet from my AWX on OCP 4.12 instance:

kind: AWX
  name: awx
  namespace: awx
  ingress_type: Route
  loadbalancer_port: 80
  loadbalancer_protocol: http
  route_tls_termination_mechanism: Edge
  service_type: ClusterIP
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