Awx operator does not start pods after a patch

I ran k delete -f cr.yaml then k apply -f cr.yaml to force awx operator to see changes I made to ldap secret. This has worked several times already, but this time it didn’t.

pods are stuck in “Stopping container” when I checked the operator’s events.

No pods in the namespace just the controller manager.

LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON    OBJECT                              MESSAGE
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-task-7f464d9c85-dczbh   Stopping container redis
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-task-7f464d9c85-dczbh   Stopping container ansible-rsyslog
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-task-7f464d9c85-dczbh   Stopping container ansible-ee
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-task-7f464d9c85-dczbh   Stopping container ansible-task
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-web-84d8849bc6-vlgmz    Stopping container redis
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-web-84d8849bc6-vlgmz    Stopping container ansible-web
9m52s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-web-84d8849bc6-vlgmz    Stopping container ansible-rsyslog
9m51s       Normal   Killing   Pod/ansible-postgres-15-0           Stopping container postgres

Last time this happened, I had to destroy the namespace and remove the operator.

Is there better way to fix this issue?


Logs from controller

{"level":"error","ts":"2025-01-28T16:12:09Z","msg":"Reconciler error","controller":"awx-controller","object":{"name":"ansible","namespace":"awx"},"namespace":"awx","name":"ansible","reconcileID":"ce5816c0-eca1-405f-b72d-6b060d236d2a","error":"event runner on failed","stacktrace":"*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/\*Controller).Start.func2.2\n\t/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/"}

It looks like it might be failing to load ldap_secret

{"level":"error","ts":"2025-01-28T16:23:12Z","logger":"logging_event_handler","msg":"","name":"ansible","namespace":"awx","gvk":", Kind=AWX","event_type":"runner_on_failed","job":"5067429572178472837","EventData.Task":"Load LDAP CA Certificate Secret content","EventData.TaskArgs":"","EventData.FailedTaskPath":"/opt/ansible/roles/installer/tasks/load_ldap_cacert_secret.yml:10","error":"[playbook task failed]","s

What is the proper (working) way of adding ldap certificates? The methods listed in the documentation do not work, operator does not load the certificate to /etc/openldap/certs/


Issue was the operator was looking for name of a secret that did not exist.
If one fails to update the CR with the new name of parameter, in my case a secret, this will happen.

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