AWX Officially Supported Installation

Hi Guys,

Iam new to the community , could you please let me know what all installation method’s are Officially and suggested supported for installation AWX on production? Please share the link for these installation as well.

Also please confirm on any deprecated / non supported installation methods lke docker-compose etc…

Hoping to hear on this thread soon!!


This is the most correct howto I have found (although it is not complete and not without errors):

Take note the the my-awx.yml file content must be:

apiVersion: [](
kind: AWX
  name: awx
  ingress_type: Ingress
  ingress_tls_secret: awx-secret-tls
  hostname: [](
  extra_volumes: | 
    - name: data-vol 
        path: /home/ubuntu 
        type: Directory 
  task_extra_volume_mounts: | 
    - name: data-vol 
      mountPath: /data

Also, using that howto will leave you with a non-functional project base path /var/lib/awx/projects.
In the old installation way, when using docker, it was easy to enable the project base path… now, it is not clear how to enable that.

GAURAV Pande ( said:

Hi Guys,

Iam new to the community , could you please let me know what all
installation method's are Officially and suggested supported for
installation AWX on production? Please share the link for these
installation as well.

See the docs at
The supported method for installation in a production-like manner is
on kubernetes via the awx-operator.

There is a docker-compose method that is used for a development environment;
it requires building your own images, and shouldn't be used in production.


Thanks Bill.

And if we need to install awx older version lets say 14.x which supported docker-compose installation method can we still do that? Following tuat specific version documentation or it has been removed?

Yea yoy can use that particular install version.