Hi everyone,
I would like manage my cluster with the below command but this one never ends…
bash-4.2# awx-manage deprovision_instance --hostname=myHost
Instance Removed
/bin/sh: rabbitmqctl: command not found
Node deprovisioning may have failed when attempting to remove the RabbitMQ instance myHost from the cluster
(changed: True)
2019-08-12 10:59:28,113 DEBUG awx.main.dispatch publish awx.main.tasks.apply_cluster_membership_policies(a982e718-b977-4055-a989-d3e31c4122da, queue=awx_private_queue)
sudo -s => Same result.
Same issue with provision_instance command.
It’s seems to be an issue with RabbitMQ ?
Note : AWX 6.1.0
Have you ever had this type of freezing?
Thanks for your help