Hi All,
We are using AWX version 10.0.0.
We are not able to link the schedule with a workflow event. Please find below sample event
Schedule event
{“@timestamp”: “2020-06-02T14:47:46.278Z”, “message”: “Activity Stream update entry for schedule”, “host”: “awx-0”, “level”: “INFO”, “logger_name”: “awx.analytics.activity_stream”, “stack_info”: null, “changes”: {“rrule”: “DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kolkata:20200602T201800 RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;COUNT=1”, “name”: “Ajit Sch test”, “description”: “every day for 1 time”, “extra_data”: “{}”, “inventory”: null, “scm_branch”: null, “job_type”: null, “job_tags”: null, “skip_tags”: null, “limit”: null, “diff_mode”: null, “verbosity”: null, “unified_job_template”: “Workflow Test-10”, “enabled”: true, “id”: 6}, “relationship”: “”, “actor”: “admin”, “operation”: “create”, “object1”: “schedule”, “object2”: “”, “cluster_host_id”: “awx-0”, “tower_uuid”: null}
Job event:
{“@timestamp”: “2020-06-02T14:48:27.041Z”, “message”: “Event data saved.”, “host”: “”, “level”: “INFO”, “logger_name”: “awx.analytics.job_events”, “id”: null, “modified”: null, “event”: “verbose”, “event_data”: {}, “failed”: false, “changed”: false, “uuid”: “b39d820f-d584-4163-aed6-5064a6bd01f3”, “playbook”: “”, “play”: “”, “role”: “”, “task”: “”, “counter”: 1, “stdout”: "SSH password: ", “verbosity”: 0, “start_line”: 0, “end_line”: 1, “created”: null, “job”: 39, “host_name”: “”, “parent_uuid”: “”, “event_display”: “Verbose”, “workflow_job_id”: 38, “cluster_host_id”: “awx-0”, “tower_uuid”: null}
{“@timestamp”: “2020-06-02T14:48:27.699Z”, “message”: “Event data saved.”, “host”: “”, “level”: “INFO”, “logger_name”: “awx.analytics.job_events”, “id”: null, “modified”: null, “event”: “playbook_on_start”, “event_data”: {“playbook”: “create_directory.yml”, “playbook_uuid”: “6854d611-2c88-48af-9189-d261a0b94136”, “uuid”: “6854d611-2c88-48af-9189-d261a0b94136”}, “failed”: false, “changed”: false, “uuid”: “6854d611-2c88-48af-9189-d261a0b94136”, “playbook”: “create_directory.yml”, “play”: “”, “role”: “”, “task”: “”, “counter”: 2, “stdout”: “”, “verbosity”: 0, “start_line”: 1, “end_line”: 1, “created”: “2020-06-02T14:48:27.000Z”, “job”: 39, “host_name”: “”, “parent_uuid”: “”, “event_display”: “Playbook Started”, “workflow_job_id”: 38, “cluster_host_id”: “awx-0”, “tower_uuid”: null}
Generally, when we run the workflows manually, it does create a event with Object1: Workflow_Job, however with scheduled workflows, it is not generating this event, so we are not able to link the schedule with workflows. Please help