AWX job stuck at Waiting when executed on an Isolated Node


I have an AWX installation under the version 17.0.1 and I added an isolated node this my AWX installation.
This node on is on a seperate network and the configuration of it looks fine. I execute from the AWX container awx_task this command :

awx-manage test_isolated_connection --hostname XXX

And I get this output at the end :
META: ran handlers
META: ran handlers

So I guess it is working fine, since it show the version of the “ansible-runner --version” command on the isolated node.

But the thing is, when I execute my template, the job is stuck at “Waiting” nothing else, no error or no timeout, nothing!

I specified in the inventory to use a different instance group, the one where my isolated node is (and also the instance in my instance group is showing as “available”) so I don’t really get why this is not working …

If you need more information, feel free to ask and thank you for your help!


Problem solved, I had to remove my instance from my group instance (using this command: remove_from_queue --queuename XXXX --hostname XXXX) and add it back using but this time specifying the controller as the default one “tower”, like so : awx-manage register_queue --queuename XXX --hostname XXX --controller tower

Also, I had then error when running my templated, so I had to make sure to install the Python 3 modules for those: ansible-runner pywinrm (using pip3)

In hope this helps someone else if needed.