AWX Job page doesn't refreshed automatically when running behind Nginx Proxy.

I’ve made a AWX environment in Container. Currently, I’m having AWX_Web, AWX_task as a separate container and setup the Nginx proxy behind of AWX_Web. When I execute any jobs, page is not refreshed automatically. The status of the job is hang at pending. When I refreshed the page, I got successful / failed status. Do I need to adjust any configuration settings? I’m using AWX 2.4version. Kindly help me to overcome the issue.

Sorry. AWX version is 1.0.0

I don’t understand some of what you’ve written:

AWX_Web, AWX_task as a separate container

This is how it is by default… are you saying you are using the default install setup? Using the standalone docker setup?

Nginx proxy behind of AWX_Web

You mean in front of? Browser → Proxy → AWX ?

You need to make sure whatever proxy you are using works with the websocket service that we have running on AWX also.

Short answer is to add the following to your proxy block in location of your nginx configuration and then reload:

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Connection “upgrade”;

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