AWX Inventory encryption


The last few days i tried to encrypt the inventory files so hide the Kerberos authentication settings.
I have createt group_vars/secrets.yml
I tried to encrypt only the password and also encrypted the whole file.
When i encrypt the whole file, awx cant load the inventory.
When encrypting online the string i can import the inventory but playbooks wont decrypt the vault string.

I dont know what i should do now. Anyone got any advices ?

Thanks in advance !

Hey Chris,

Do you have your template/job set with the vault creds to decrypt the string?

This should assigned to Credentials in the template.

Thank you,

Hey Donny,
yes, i have assigned the credentialtype “Vault” with the right passwort to my template.

AWX is telling me the password is incorrect. In this errormessage i can see my encrypted string.
