I’m currently running AWX 1.0.1 on Amazon ECS with external postgresql on RDS. It is working fine but now I want to upgrade it to 1.0.2. There are indications there I should just update the ECS definitions to use the AWX image 1.0.2. I did that and then when I try to open up AWX page, it would just be stuck on the page /migration_notran for a long time.
Is there a way to resolve this? If I revert back to the 1.0.1 image, I would be able to login again but I will have errors such as
Failed updating job undefined with variables. POST returned: 400 null
value in column “setting” violates not-null constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (3160, create, 2017-12-14
11:54:27.846241+00, {“project”: “ansible:feature/SYST-639-6”,
“use_fact_cache”: fals…, , job, , 1, null).