AWX version 21.6.0 is running on our virtual redhat 8 server.
It provides service through 4 containers built with docker-compose.
We want to stand up this environment completely in our openshift environment.
We want to run jobs on more than 200 servers at the same time, but the resources in our current AWX are not enough, sometimes our jobs are pending.
We want to move to openshift to eliminate these problems or can you give us suggestions about docker-compose resource utilization?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
Translated with DeepL
Spin up multiple AWX task containers.
Hi ,
How do I add a container for an already running service?
I also want to move our environment to openshift, how should I design in openshift environment for best practice usage, is there any sample usage?
Thanks for your help.
The only supported deployment for production is on openshift/kubernetes, deployed via the awx operator. Docker-compose is really intended for development purposes. Using the operator, you can easily scale up the web and task pods to meet your needs. You can also utilize remote execution nodes to further expand your playbook running capacity.
see this readme for deploying awx via operator https://github.com/ansible/awx-operator#install-and-configuration
AWX Team