AWX Cluster installed on 3 nodes but the job fails when it runs from the 2nd or 3rd node

Hi all,

I have installed the latest of AWX (7.0.0) but I have an issue.

When I test from UI with an adHoc command like "ping " from my primary node to any server on my network, the ping is OK
When I run this same job from my second node, for example, the one remains in “Waiting” few seconds and then it fails. I can see the job on my first node so the relation is OK but it fails.

Could you tell me that it could be the root cause? ? RabbitMQ ?

(Note : I have an external database so not in a container)

My inventory file have been change with theses datas :

What error message are you getting exactly? It looks like your configuration is targeting a local docker/Swarm deployment and neither of those deployment methods supports clustering. That’s been talked about extensively on other threads with some work arounds provided.

Could you give me the real or good method for deploying AWX 7 in cluster mode?

There’s a couple options you can try. The first is to deploy on Kubernetes which is the AWX-team supported clustering method. But if deploying onto K8s isn’t an option, some folks have been able to make changes to the installer to run a Swarm-clustered solution. I believe one of the users got the local docker clustering solution hammered out [] but since it’s not “officially supported”, you might have trouble getting support when issues come up.

FYI I haven’t personally worked with the local docker clustering solution and can’t speak for it

Ok thanks for your help, for the moment I can’t use K8s but if you can give me the link for use it … ? :slight_smile:

In the meantime, I will try to apply the second method you provided me.

Sure thing, take a look at the Kubernetes section in the install guide [] for info on K8s deployment requirements. Then you can scale the deployment/statefulset via standard kubectl controls: kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=.

Good luck!