I have installed the latest of AWX (7.0.0) but I have an issue.
When I test from UI with an adHoc command like "ping " from my primary node to any server on my network, the ping is OK
When I run this same job from my second node, for example, the one remains in “Waiting” few seconds and then it fails. I can see the job on my first node so the relation is OK but it fails.
Could you tell me that it could be the root cause? ? RabbitMQ ?
(Note : I have an external database so not in a container)
My inventory file have been change with theses datas :
What error message are you getting exactly? It looks like your configuration is targeting a local docker/Swarm deployment and neither of those deployment methods supports clustering. That’s been talked about extensively on other threads with some work arounds provided.
There’s a couple options you can try. The first is to deploy on Kubernetes which is the AWX-team supported clustering method. But if deploying onto K8s isn’t an option, some folks have been able to make changes to the installer to run a Swarm-clustered solution. I believe one of the users got the local docker clustering solution hammered out [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/awx-project/QxdoiT6r7BM/eD35g0sLBAAJ] but since it’s not “officially supported”, you might have trouble getting support when issues come up.
FYI I haven’t personally worked with the local docker clustering solution and can’t speak for it
Sure thing, take a look at the Kubernetes section in the install guide [https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/INSTALL.md#kubernetes] for info on K8s deployment requirements. Then you can scale the deployment/statefulset via standard kubectl controls: kubectl scale statefulsets --replicas=.