awx cli - Bad Request (400) received



I do export the “–job_templates” resource with the following command:

(venv) root@awx-vm01:/srv# awx --conf.username admin --conf.password my_password --conf.insecure export --job_templates “Destroy aws-ec2-sg” > job_templates.json

It seems to be working well:

(venv) root@awx-vm01:/srv# cat job_templates.json


“job_templates”: [


“name”: “Destroy aws-ec2-sg”,

“description”: “”,

“job_type”: “run”,

“playbook”: “playbooks/aws-ec2-sg-destroy.yml”,

“scm_branch”: “”,

“forks”: 0,

“limit”: “”,

“verbosity”: 0,

“extra_vars”: “—”,

“job_tags”: “”,

“force_handlers”: false,

“skip_tags”: “”,

“start_at_task”: “”,

“timeout”: 0,

“use_fact_cache”: false,

“execution_environment”: null,

“host_config_key”: “”,

“ask_scm_branch_on_launch”: false,

“ask_diff_mode_on_launch”: false,

“ask_variables_on_launch”: false,

“ask_limit_on_launch”: false,

“ask_tags_on_launch”: false,

“ask_skip_tags_on_launch”: false,

“ask_job_type_on_launch”: false,

“ask_verbosity_on_launch”: false,

“ask_inventory_on_launch”: false,

“ask_credential_on_launch”: false,

“ask_execution_environment_on_launch”: false,

“ask_labels_on_launch”: false,

“ask_forks_on_launch”: false,

“ask_job_slice_count_on_launch”: false,

“ask_timeout_on_launch”: false,

“ask_instance_groups_on_launch”: false,

“survey_enabled”: true,

“become_enabled”: false,

“diff_mode”: false,

“allow_simultaneous”: true,

“job_slice_count”: 1,

“webhook_service”: “”,

“webhook_credential”: null,

“prevent_instance_group_fallback”: false,

“inventory”: {

“organization”: {

“name”: “GD Organization”,

“type”: “organization”


“name”: “GD Inventory - Static Hosts”,

“type”: “inventory”


“project”: {

“organization”: {

“name”: “GD Organization”,

“type”: “organization”


“name”: “GitLab Playbooks-Roles”,

“type”: “project”


“related”: {

“labels”: ,

“credentials”: ,

“schedules”: ,

“notification_templates_started”: ,

“notification_templates_success”: ,

“notification_templates_error”: ,

“survey_spec”: {

“name”: “”,

“description”: “”,

“spec”: [


“question_name”: “Security Group name”,

“question_description”: “”,

“required”: true,

“type”: “text”,

“variable”: “ec2_security_group_name_tag”,

“min”: 3,

“max”: 30,

“default”: “aws-test999-sg”,

“choices”: “”,

“new_question”: true





“natural_key”: {

“organization”: {

“name”: “GD Organization”,

“type”: “organization”


“name”: “Destroy aws-ec2-sg”,

“type”: “job_template”





And I’m trying to import the resource “–job_templates” to another AWX host with the following command:

(venv) root@awx-vm01:/srv# awx --conf.username admin --conf.password my_password --conf.insecure import < job_templates.json

I get an error message:

/api/v2/job_templates/ “Destroy aws-ec2-sg”: Bad Request (400) received - {‘inventory’: [‘Must either set a default value or ask to prompt on launch.’]}.

Although the Inventory is listed in the “job_templates.json” file for the selected Job Template.

My setup is:

AWX 22.1.0

AWX Operator 2.0.1

AWX 22.1.0

AWX Operator 2.0.1

(venv) root@awx-vm01:/srv# pip3 list

Package Version

awxkit 22.1.0

certifi 2022.12.7

charset-normalizer 3.1.0

idna 3.4

pip 20.0.2

pkg-resources 0.0.0

PyYAML 6.0

requests 2.28.2

setuptools 44.0.0

urllib3 1.26.15

(venv) root@awx-vm01:/srv# pip3 show awxkit

Name: awxkit

Version: 22.1.0

Summary: The official command line interface for Ansible AWX


Author: Red Hat, Inc.


License: Apache 2.0

Location: /srv/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages

Requires: PyYAML, requests


Just need to figure out how to make it work all together (export/import).

Can anyone with awx cli working share how you put it all together?


do the inventories in the json structure exist in the database at the time of trying to run the import command? what if you create those manually first, then run the import, does it work?

AWX Team

Hello AWX Team,

That’s exactly what I did.
Created the inventory manually (via UI) and then run the import.
But alas, it doesn’t work.

There could be a bug here, do you mind opening an AWX issue on github with this information?

Can you also confirm that the names in the json export list perfectly match the names of the manually created resources in AWX (spaces, capitalizations, etc)

AWX Team