We’re currently migrating from AWX 17 to AWX 23.
We have some callbacks which needs to make AWX API calls.
In AWX 17, the system was quite clear : the docker-compose.yml mounted a file environment.sh which was located in /etc/tower/conf.d.
Each virtual env was in the task container, so it had access to that file and could thus perform some API calls.
Now we have switched towards the execution environments, as they are autonomous container, some information is now missing.
We read that we could use the option AWX_MOUNT_ISOLATED_PATHS_ON_K8S to do so.
BUT is this file environment.sh still relevant ? I’m about to create a file and mount it in the task container so that the EE can also read it.
But I don’t know, I have the impression that I’m trying to reproduce what I’m used to and I’m genuinely wondering if it’s the right path.
That feeling comes from the fact that during my searches (AWX & AWX operator codebases / forums and the AWX mailing list), the only subjects that were dealing with that file are “AWX on DockerCompose” related.
And nothing in the official K8S documentation was found.
So please correct me if I’m heading in the wrong direction.
Thanks in advance for any clue provided !