AWX 19.2 help me

I tried to install AWX version 19.2 without success. I don’t understand how to do it, I feel like I’ve tried everything. However I have looked at the AWX documentation Can you help me because I am totally blocked?


same here, actually... I've tried an upgrade from 19.1 by upgrading the
operator, and that didn't work, then I manually wiped all traces of the
previous deployment off my K8s and tried a fresh deployment, that didn't work

No errors anywhere where they can be seen. The postgres pod gets created but
nothing else.

Right now I'm just glad I didn't wipe my existing 17.1 deployment yet. That
one still works.


Have you successfully deployed AWX 19.0? If so, could I have the whole procedure to set it up?


I blogged my experience about it.

Hope it helps

I don’t hide you that it didn’t help me at all ^^

I've blogged a bit more extensively about it, the series starts here:

if all you want is AWX you can skip step 5, and steps 7 and following.
if you and to also have a kubernetes management UI, go to step 9.


ps. yes, a whole series of blog posts, just to get to AWX.

I’ve seen a lot of people having issues installing the awx-operator so I’ve created this youtube video with all the commands in the description to help out anyone having a problem.

This demo covers the following on a ubuntu 20 server in EC2:

• Install and set up kubectl and docker.
• Installing and setting up Minikube in EC2 [t3a.xlarge – 4 x cpu / 16gb memory]
o ami-0194c3e07668a7e36 (eu-west-2)
o You might be able to get away with less resources
• Setup the AWX-operator (latest version – 19.2) and deploy.
• Get the AWX admin password.
• Forward the port so we can access it from the internet and use Minikube tunnel.
• Login to AWX and take a quick tour.
• All commands have been added into the description.

It will get you started.

the link: