Hi I’m running awx 19.0.0 on k3s,docker Ubuntu 20.04
How can I upgarde to awx 19.1.0?
Thank you regards
Hi I’m running awx 19.0.0 on k3s,docker Ubuntu 20.04
How can I upgarde to awx 19.1.0?
Thank you regards
Change the operator to 0.9 and redeploy. I just did mine from 19 to 19.1 in this way
Could you describe the process of how you did it? I tried to figure out how to change just the operator but I could not find a way. Also how do you just redeploy just one container?
Sorry I am new to containers and trying to figure this all out. Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I tried to upgrade from operator from 0.9.0 to 0.13.0 in k8 however it stuck in below. nothing in the logs or events.
I used upgrade procedure in the github of awx as kubectl apply -f path to upgraded operator.
Please can some one give us the correct procedure please.
deployment.apps/awx-operator 0/1 0 0 5m44s
Hi Selva
Please paste the output of
kubectl describe deployment.apps/awx-operator
Hi Guyz,
can anyone give the steps to install AWX in centos, I have tried all the possibilities, but no luck. when I am cloning the git link I could see the /installer file is missing. could you please let me know if any process changed or it’s absolute?
I am still struggling to get the upgrade work.
I am following the procedure: https://github.com/kurokobo/awx-on-k3s/blob/main/tips/upgrade-operator.md
I am using external postgresql. I modified the mail.yaml file and specified the secret so that the operator will check and pick the db config when doing the migration. It is failing on: resources_configuration.yml
could some one help me here on how to upgrade with external db?
I am able to update from 0.13.0 operator to 0.14.0 and awx from 19.3.0 to 19.4.0
Execute below:
Awx upgrade based on k8 operator:
kubectl delete deployment awx-operator
kubectl delete serviceaccount awx-operator
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding awx-operator
kubectl delete clusterrole awx-operator
unzip -d awx-operator-0.14.0.zip
export NAMESPACE=awx
Please go to the unzipped directory and execute below
make deploy
The operator will be successfully installed however the postgress configuration i.e secret is not available in operator hence it will fail to
update the awx ansible tower.
Follow the below to update ansible tower aka awx
kubectl -n awx edit deployment.apps/awx
Change the image_verison to the latest one. example: 19.4.0
It will automatically pull the image and install it.
Once done, run below i.e. after all the pods and container on running.
kubectl -n awx exec -it pod/podname -c awx-web bash
awx-manage showmigrations | grep -v ‘’ | grep ‘’ | wc -l
awx-manage showmigrations
awx-manage migrate --noinput
awx-manage changepassword admin
Once above done, then you have successfully updated the awx from 19.x to 19.4.0
Note: THE Postgres is external.