Hi Ansible peeps,
Trying to get an AWS modules working in an Ansible playbook. Specifically I want to create a VPC using an Ansible playbook, but no matter what I do, always get the error:
ERROR! ‘ec2_vpc_net’ is not a valid attribute for a Play (for VPC obviously)
Doesn’t seem to matter which aws module I try to use, always gives similar error. For example, ec2:
ERROR! ‘ec2’ is not a valid attribute for a Play (for VPC obviously)
Have created several playbooks using the manual examples, as well as other online examples.
I’ve copied these playbooks verbatim, checked the yaml format thru a linter, etc. Doesn’t matter always get the same error using ansible-playbook, i.e.
ansible-playbook -i localhost, vpc-template.yml
ERROR! ‘ec2_vpc_net’ is not a valid attribute for a Play
The error appears to have been in ‘/home/ubuntu/ansible/playbooks/networking/vpc-template.yml’: line 1, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- ec2_vpc_net:
^ here
If I run the module manually, it works fine:
ansible local -m ec2_vpc_net -a “name=test.vpc cidr_block= region=us-west-2”
I’m pretty sure that error message is a false flag and I’m missing something really simple, but I’ve been unable to track it down. Any help or pointers appreciated.
I’m running Ansible
Ubuntu 16.04
python 2.7.12
boto 2.48.0