It seems that Ansible Automation mesh is included in the just released Ansible automation platform 2.1.
Is this an Ansible automation platform 2.1only feature since I do not see any reference in the AWX release notes. (if so please point me to the documentation
With all the rebranding/renaming I am quite lost on what awx actually is and what is AAP only.
kind regards,
Hi Stefan,
Would you have some pointers to Ansible Automation mesh?
I think Automation mesh this is the Redhat naming for the technology that AWX uses , which is Receptor (https://receptor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html), enabled on AWX 19.4.0
I think we have to wait till this is resolved
Iām looking if I can contribute anything but AWX is kind of a large project to get started in.
kind regards