Hey all,
I just wanted to share a playbook that I found entirely too useful recently. The playbook generates a new unique 16 char ascii password (it does this for each device in the host file), and then the playbook uses the cisco.ios.ios_user module to update the local username and password with the newly generated password.
After that is done, the password is written to the correct “{{inventory_hostname}}:vars” section of the host file and the value “ansible_password” is searched for and changed.
The new password is then also written to a file under the hostname of the IOS device in the host_vars directory as a precautionary measure, as I found there were always a few instances where the password would be changed, added to it’s respective file in the host_vars directory, but not updated in the host.ini file.
- name: Updates each IOS device with unique 16 char ascii password.
gather_facts: no
- name: hosts
prompt: "Which group should we run the playbook against?"
private: no
default: LAB
# - name: "ansible_user"
# prompt: "Enter your username"
# private: no
# - name: "ansible_password"
# prompt: "Enter your password"
# private: yes
hosts: "{{hosts}}"
- name: Runs show run | section username and stores the output in a variable called 'user_account' for later use.
- show run | sec user
register: user_account
- name: Get only the standard output in position zero of the output
second_line: "{{ user_account.stdout_lines[0] }}"
- name: Generate a new 16 character ascii password and store that password in the var 'new_password'.
new_password: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null length=24 chars=ascii_letters+digits!@#$%&()/') }}"
- name: Change the password of the local admin accounts and use the new password in the var 'new_password'.
name: administrator
configured_password: "{{new_password}}"
password_type: secret
update_password: always
state: present
- name: Update the host.ini file with the newly generated password.
path: "YOUR/PATH"
section: "{{inventory_hostname}}:vars"
option: "ansible_password"
value: "{{new_password}}"
- name: Save the newly configured password to a local .txt file as a precaution for it not getting written to the host.ini file correctly.
module: lineinfile
dest: "../host_vars/LAB/{{inventory_hostname}}.yaml"
create: yes
line: "{{inventory_hostname}} new administrator password is: {{new_password}}\n"
I hope this playbook is useful to somebody out there!