Automate Custome Attribute Population - Vmware


Here are my custom attributes

Today these are populated with community.vmware.vmware_guest_custom_attributes

But that is manually from the file… it has human error possible

eg Ubuntu 20.04 folks may type Ubuntu20.4

There is facts which ansible gather has the OS info… eg -m setup -a “filter=ansible_distribution_version”

Is it somehow possible to get the OS info populated “automatically” with a playbook … ie update the custom attributes dynamically with real time data ?

Any suggestions Please ?


I will give 1 more reason … eg someone upgrade OS from 16.04 to 20.04 … may forget to update the custom attributes…

You can do this using dynamic inventory and delegate_to

Here is how -

  1. Gather facts about virtual machines

  2. Gather facts about custom attributes using vmware_guest_info

  3. Compare and change if needed

you can see this playbook

Thanks a lot Abhijit … i will give it a try & report issue if any.

Thanks Abhijit, Awesome , it worked !!!

Only issue is

value: “{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution }}”
when: vm_info.instance.customvalues.OS != r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution

that Just give Ubuntu … is it possible to extract the info from setup module ie below part…

“ansible_lsb”: {
“codename”: “bionic”,
“description”: “Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS”,
“id”: “Ubuntu”,
“major_release”: “18”,
“release”: “18.04”

Hopefully that is also present in CentOS nodes that way … so the description part …

r.ansible_facts.ansible_lsb.description ? will do …

Wow r.ansible_facts.ansible_lsb.description did worked !!! Thanks again Abhijit

Setup gives :

“ansible_distribution”: “Ubuntu”,
“ansible_distribution_file_parsed”: true,
“ansible_distribution_file_path”: “/etc/os-release”,
“ansible_distribution_file_variety”: “Debian”,
“ansible_distribution_major_version”: “18”,
“ansible_distribution_release”: “bionic”,
“ansible_distribution_version”: “18.04”,

I would like to use OS name as

Ubuntu20.04 & not Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

So tried below … as value … all 3 failed … any suggestions Please, on how to concatenate ?

Setup gives :

    "ansible\_distribution": "Ubuntu",
    "ansible\_distribution\_file\_parsed": true,
    "ansible\_distribution\_file\_path": "/etc/os\-release",
    "ansible\_distribution\_file\_variety": "Debian",
    "ansible\_distribution\_major\_version": "18",
    "ansible\_distribution\_release": "bionic",
    "ansible\_distribution\_version": "18\.04",

I would like to use OS name as

Ubuntu20.04 & not Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

So tried below .. as /*value */.. all 3 failed .. any suggestions Please, on how to concatenate ?


The offending line appears to be:

    \- name: OS
      value: "\{\{ r\.ansible\_facts\.ansible\_distribution \}\}" "\{\{ r\.ansible\_facts\.ansible\_distribution\_version \}\}"
                                                          ^ here

This should do the trick:

value: "{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution }} {{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution_version }}"


how about -

“{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution ~ ’ ’ ~ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution_version }}”

“{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution ~ ’ ’ ~ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution_version }}” , works

it gives

Ubuntu 18.04

How to get


Ie remove the space ?

Will try few things … Any docs Please on this ? where you go these … ~ ’ ’ ~ :slight_smile:

BTW yes, “{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution }} {{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution_version }}” , worked too , even that add that space …

Ok this one was easy … just did below

value: “{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution }}{{ r.ansible_facts.ansible_distribution_version }}”

Thanks again Abhi & Stefan Hornburg (Racke)