Authentication failure in fireball


I am getting following error when I try to query repo for installing the dependencies for fireball mode.

PLAY [all:!localhost] *********************

GATHERING FACTS *********************
fatal: [A.B.C.D] => {‘msg’: ‘FAILED: No authentication methods available’, ‘failed’: True}

TASK: [activating fireball mode] *********************
FATAL: no hosts matched or all hosts have already failed – aborting

PLAY RECAP *********************
A.B.C.D : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0

Any idea why is this and how could this be fixed? please.

Thanks and Regards

Please show me your playbook you are kicking off fireball with as well
as the command you used to run it.

Here’s what I have in my playbook

Your SSH part failed in the beginning.

Looks like you need to set up your SSH keys still.